Sustainable Living Builders

4 Best Ways to Ensure That Your Roofing Lasts Longer

A roof protects your home from the sun, wind, rain, and more. It is therefore essential to have strong roofing over your home. 

Investing your trust in reliable roof installation services will ensure that your house’s roof is functioning at its best at all times. Generally, roofs last at least 20–30 years. 

4 ways to ensure your roofing lasts longer

Quality roofing

Some of the most common types of roofs include shingle roofs (made of asphalt or fiberglass), solar roofs (such as Tesla Solar Roof), standing seam metal roofs, etc. In most cases, metal roofs are known to be the most durable out of these. 

When it comes to roofing materials, quality is of utmost importance. Depending on where you live and your budget, you can choose from a variety of materials for your home’s roofing project. 

As in any other case, each material costs and performs differently, resulting in varying durability. In general, the durability of roofing almost entirely depends on maintenance.  

Professional roof inspection

An experienced roofing contractor is the best professional choice to carry out a roof inspection on your home. Always make sure to inspect your roof at least twice a year in regular intervals, especially if your roof is over 10 years old. If your roof is newer, get it inspected around once every 3 years.  

A professional approach to roof inspection is highly accurate and finds loopholes that you would otherwise not be able to find, such as cracked parts, water damage, etc. 

Paying attention to leaks

Whether the professional inspection found a leak or two or the leak was so obvious that you noticed it yourself without having had to inspect it, leaks do not always mean the roof needs to be replaced. 

Minor leaks can be easily repaired. If neglected, the damage could get worse. This is why early damage detection is very important to avoid extra expenses.

Promptly get repairs done

Repairs generally cost a lot of money, but they are still not as expensive as having to replace an entire roof. If repairs are possible (again, due to early detection), get them done as soon as possible to avoid further damage that could put the roof in danger of falling apart. 

Repairs help your roof stay strong and last longer. As a result, the lifespan of your home increases significantly. 

Sustainable Living Builders is a leading provider of sustainable roofing and solar solutions for residential and commercial customers that offers a free estimate within 48 hours. The reliable company offers solar solutions, Tesla Solar Roof installation, shingle roofs, standing seam metal roof, etc. for homes, covering the regions of Sonoma, Marin, and Napa counties. The company also provides commercial services for buildings.

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