Sustainable Living Builders


How Can a SPAN Panel Help Monitor Electricity Usage?

Electricity is getting more expensive by the day, no matter where you live. In a place like California, the hike in cost is even more significant. 

You can manually monitor your electricity usage, but it is a tedious task. And, it will likely not be accurate. 


What is a SPAN Panel?

SPAN Panel is a solution to accurately monitor how much electricity you are using. An experienced SPAN Panel installer in California can easily install your panel, so that you can get started right away. These panels replace your home’s outdated panels and are designed to modernize its energy system. 

SPAN panels are designed to work with energy storage solutions offered by a reliable company with years of experience. They work equally well with regular battery storage or solar battery storage. Considering the sustainable point of view, using solar roofing or solar panels to generate clean energy is a great approach. 

How will it help monitor electricity usage at home?

Electricity can be consumed by various appliances, including those as basic as lighting to more powerful electrical devices, such as refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, or ovens. 

With the right installer, SPAN panels can be installed in one day. Certified installers of SPAN panels will give you access to your energy usage reports, so that you will know what appliances are using most of your electricity and what devices are not. They state exactly how much energy is being used by every circuit in the house. Based on the reports, you can cut down or reduce the usage of appliances that are using up the most electricity. 

Benefits of SPAN panels

These panels can promote electrical energy savings of close to 15%. They work great with sustainable options like solar batteries and push battery efficiency to nearly as high as 40%. 

Depending on your daily usage and available sunlight, any extra electric energy that is not utilized goes straight to the battery storage. This power can be used when the need arises, such as in times of unforeseen power outages or blackouts. You even get to choose what electric circuits can utilize the stored power, helping you make smart consumption choices. 

Sustainable Living Builders is a reliable SPAN Panel installer in California, covering the regions of Sonoma, Marin, and Napa County. The company is also a leading provider of energy-efficient roofing and tailored solutions for residential and commercial customers and offers a free quote for your project, so you can make informed decisions. 


At Sustainable Living Builders, Inc. we want to celebrate your next step into the future and help you cross off installing a new roofing system from your resolutions list with a brand-new Tesla Solar Roof. Not only are we certified Tesla installers, but we’re also an environmentally conscious company that wants to contribute to a greener future by providing more sustainable lifestyle options for all of our clients. Let us help you start your new year shining! 

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